Apna Art

Our Vision and Mission are to create a strong tie between the communities and the generations. Raabta is Independent unit of media, but same time Raabta is the platform for the people who want to serve to the communities with same passion without personal interests. This page is created for our growing kids, who will become a face of Indian/Pakistani communities living in Australia. It is our ethical responsibility to grow out kids with the best parenting, so they can become a good citizen of the country where they are living.

Apna Arts: The Idea of Apna Art is combined efforts of Raabta and Nishant Tiwari (A well-known local theatre artist). As an Indian or Pakistanis, we are carrying our cultural and social qualities, and we want to deliver these qualities to our next generation/s. When our kids are interacting with kids from other communities or culture, they should able to provide or share our values with them, and this is a skill, which can develop through training. Through theatre skill where we train the kids how to speak and use body language to share any information, at the same time we will identify our future theatre or movie artist.

We are encouraging all families to enrol their kids with us, and let us put our effort to build their personalities. More details you can contact to Nishant Tiwari at +61 433 998 603

The introductory video can help to understand our vision and mission: